Friday, October 2, 2020

Fall Season (4,957 icons)

Fall Season as of October 2nd:
[Full] [Fall]  |  [Torrent]
Kud Wafter and Eden will be getting icons later this year.
Haikyuu!! TO THE TOP 2, Osomatsu-san S3, Golden Kamuy S3 and Seizei Ganbare! Mahou Shoujo Kurumi all use the same icons as their previous seasons. There's a lazy version of a S3 logo for Seizei Ganbare! Mahou Shoujo in an interview that I might end up making into an icon later.


  1. Thanks! Any chance you might do the icons for those Netflix shows i.e. Dragon's Dogma, Levius, Mushikago no Cagaster, etc?
